Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mobile Marketing Strategy How to Build One the Smart Way - CoSchedule

Mobile Marketing Strategy How to Build One the Smart Way How is your mobile marketing strategy doing? If you can’t answer this question, it’s time to change that. Data shows that marketing is going mobile more and more by the day. In fact, there’s a good chance you’re reading this on a mobile device right now. Let’s take a look at some numbers: Mobile accounts for 65%  of the time people spend consuming media 59% of smartphone owners  expect websites to be mobile-optimized 68% of companies  are investing in mobile marketing These are a just a few stats, but together, they tell one compelling story: it’s past time for all of us to pay attention to mobile. Understanding the importance of mobile marketing isn’t enough on its own. You also need to build an actionable strategy to provide users with a great mobile experience across all your content. That’s where this post comes in. Read on to learn: How to understand the way your audience uses their mobile device. How to optimize your brand’s overall mobile presence. How to measure the impact of your efforts. Mobile Marketing Strategy: How to Build One the Smart WayDownload Your Free Mobile Marketing Strategy Pitch Deck Template + Infographic Doing mobile marketing right requires cross-team collaboration  and leadership buy-in. To help state your case, use this free Mobile Marketing Pitch Template. It’s pre-built with important statistics you can use to build the business case for investing in mobile marketing. It also includes fill-in-the-blanks sections to tailor your proposed strategies, tactics, and recommendations to your own situation. Plus, we’ve also included a free Mobile Marketing Infographic packed with stats and curated research. With these resources and the information in this post, you’ll have everything you need to educate your team and implement a comprehensive mobile marketing strategy. Why Should You Care About Mobile Marketing Strategy? According to Hitwise, nearly 60% of searches come from mobile devices. That’s an enormous number. For marketers, that means your content needs to be optimized for mobile experiences. If it isn’t, you could risk missing opportunities to convert more website visitors into customers. This number is an average compiled from data across 11 different industries. Even at the low end of the graph, 39% is still a significant amount of searches. There’s one thing this data makes abundantly clear: you need to develop a mobile marketing strategy. Like so many things in the marketing world, this is easier said than done. However, with the right approach, you can make sure you’re not missing out on as much as 72% of your total potential audience through organic search. If you’re ready to build your own mobile content strategy, keep reading. We’re about to dig into: Develop a strategy for mobile marketing Optimize content for users on the go Plan and execute your strategy with Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to it. Ready to build your #mobile #marketing strategy?Developing a Mobile Content Strategy Plan your work. Then, work your plan. We say this all the time at . If you’re going to succeed, you need to know what you’ll do, before you sit down to get it done. Preparing a mobile marketing strategy is no exception. It isn’t enough to ask your developers to build you a responsive website and then call it a day (although responsive design is important). You need to put real thought into how you’ll reach mobile audiences, and what your online presence really looks like to those users. Recommended Reading: The Complete 14-Step Content Strategy That Will Boost Your Results By 434% Understanding How Your Audience Uses Mobile Devices Knowing where your audience uses their phone or tablet can help inform how you reach them. For example, people traveling to a new city will likely look for restaurants, hotels, and events near their destination. A farmer might browse their social media while riding in the tractor (no, seriously). An office worker could catch up on industry news with their iPad while lounging on the couch. Each of these people has a different purpose for being on their device. Accordingly, they have different expectations, too. If you know how they’re likely to find you, then you can be better prepared to provide them with the right content, at the right time. Here’s how you can gain this insight. Run A Survey Ask, and you shall receive. Run a simple poll with Polldaddy  or Survey Monkey  and ask people how they use their device. Here are three simple questions your survey can include: Which types of mobile devices do you use? [Phones, tablets, etc.] Where do you access content with your phone or tablet? [At work, at home, while traveling, etc.] What types of content do you consume on your mobile device? [News, entertainment, video, blog posts, social media, etc.] The data you get from your own audience will guide you in the right direction. Recommended Listening: How to Boost Your Results With Original Research With Andy Crestodina From Orbit Media Studios Use Google Analytics Google Analytics can give you some idea how your audience is using their mobile devices, too. Log into your account. Then, click Audience, and drill into the Mobile drop-down: Next, click onto Overview. Here, you can get a breakdown of how many of your website visitors are on mobile or tablet. Under devices, you can also see which specific phones or tablets people are using to find you: Next, click on Users Flow. Then, click All Users, and scroll down to and click Mobile Traffic. Once you’ve done this, click Apply. You’ll then see something like this: Now, you can see where mobile users land on your site, and where they go next from there. This can help you determine which pages and content are most interesting to your mobile audience. NOTE: Google Analytics separates Mobile (as in mobile phones) and Tablet traffic. If you’d like to see your user flow from tablets, repeat the previous steps, but scroll down to the bottom of the All Users window, and find Tablet Traffic: Optimizing Content for Mobile Devices When you’re ready to execute your mobile marketing strategy, you’ll need to be prepared to optimize your content specifically for mobile users. Writing for Mobile Devices Phone screens are relatively small. Even larger phablet-type phones are small compared to the PC you’re probably writing your content on. That means you’ll need to write in a way that’s easily readable on a smaller screen. Here’s how. Use Bullet Points: Bulleted text is easily scannable. If you have information that can be condensed down to list form, bullet it out. Write Short, Punchy Headlines: This is a matter of space. Shorter headlines fit better on smaller screens. If you can keep them down to six or seven words, they’ll be more likely to hook the attention of someone scrolling by. Longer headlines may get cut off the screen, and therefore be less appealing to click. Here’s an example of a well-optimized headline for mobile: And here’s an example that could be condensed: In this example, the headline is shortened and legible on the graphic, which is easier to read on a mobile device. It might not be possible to optimize every headline you write this way. However, it’s worth keeping this in mind as you and your team are crafting content. Use Clear Section Headings: Make use of H2 and H3 headings. If possible, avoid using anything H4 or smaller, since it can create a cluttered visual appearance with too much visual hierarchy going on. If you’re using WordPress, here’s where you’ll find your header controls: Keep Paragraphs Brief: Giant walls of text are a pain to read on phones. Keep your sentences under 25 words and paragraphs two or three sentences each. You can exercise a small amount of leeway on this  but do so sparingly. Here’s an example of a piece with crisp, concise paragraphs: And here’s another that’s decidedly more difficult to read: Front Load Email Subject Lines: Email subject lines get cut off at a shorter length on mobile than they do on desktop. So, place your most attention-grabbing copy at the beginning of your subject line. If you’d like to preview what your subject line might look like, use our Headline Analyzer. Enter your subject line: Then scroll down to here: You’ll now have an idea how your subject line will appear. Recommended Reading: This is the Way to Write Email Subject Lines That Get More Clicks Optimize Your Visual Content For Mobile Well-optimized can make or break your mobile experience, too. Follow this advice to keep your mobile presence finely tuned. Use Optimal Image File Sizes: Upload images to your site or blog at the exact size you want them to appear. Otherwise, your CMS will be forced to resize them as your pages load. This will cause them to load slower, and potentially cause users to bounce and visit a different site. If you have a high number of large images on your site (and you’re using WordPress), there may be a quick fix solution here for you. WP Smush  is a WordPress plugin that can detect and compress large image file sizes on your site, and bring them down to a more reasonable size: Make Text Legible On Small Screens: Ensure your fonts are large enough to be readable on a phone. Use your best judgment. If you can read something, odds are your audience can’t either. Here’s an example of an image that’s clearly readable on a phone: Technical Website + Blog Considerations Beyond your actual content creation, your blog and website need to be built with mobile in mind. Here are some ways to ensure both are easy to use on phones and tablets. Use A Responsive Site Design (Or Have a Separate Mobile Site): There is some debate out there over when to use responsive design versus having a separate mobile site. In either case, it’s important to have a site that looks good and works well on phones and tablets. If you’re a marketer, this is something you likely don’t have much control over. It’s also something your development team should understand. However, if this is a pain point or roadblock, discuss with your developers. Here are some talking points you can drop: 80% of all internet users have a mobile phone. Why leave money on the table? Mobile users have different expectations than desktop users. If your site doesn’t cater to them, they’ll leave (and buy from someone else). Google favors websites that offer a strong mobile experience. The more you can tie the conversation back to how it helps make money, the more likely you are to be successful here. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool: How can you know whether your site is truly mobile-friendly? Use this free tool from Google. Type in your URL: And get your analysis in moments: Mobile Search Engine Optimization Considerations The way people search, and the things they search for, might be different when they’re on the go (versus when they’re on their laptop or home computer). Keep these things in mind while you’re working on search engine optimization. Optimize For Voice Search: People using their phones are often in busy places and might not stop to type in a search query. Things people on the go typically search for include words like â€Å"how†, â€Å"what,† or â€Å"where.† For example, â€Å"How do I get to the nearest coffee shop?,† or â€Å"Where is the Museum of Modern Art?† So, how do you find which terms someone might be using to find businesses like yours? Start by doing thorough keyword research as you normally would. Next, consider targeting terms incorporating strings of conversational language around your core keywords. Here’s an example: Typical Keyword: Brunch new york city Voice-Optimized Keyword: where is the best brunch in new york city? For a more in-depth guide on optimizing for voice search, read this post from Neil Patel. Recommended Reading: Create the Right Pages to Attract Mobile Searches: In order to show up in local searches, it helps to have the right pages on your site. These could include: Location pages (for brick and mortar stores). You want people to find where you are after all, right? Posts pertaining to local topics. Remember when we mentioned optimizing keyword research for local search? Create content around those keywords. For example, if people search for "best coffee shops minneapolis," a coffee shop could create a post like, "What Makes Our Coffee Shop the Best in Minneapolis?" Your hours and contact information. This is basic stuff, but you’d be surprised how many websites miss details like this. Recommended Reading: SEO Content Strategy: How to Skyrocket Your Traffic By 594% Implement Location Data In Your Sitemap: If you have a physical location, local SEO should be a top priority for your business. One way to improve your appearance in local searches (which are often mobile searches, too) is to add location data using schema.org markup. This video from Simon Hayer walks through this process step-by-step: For a more detailed guide on implementing schema.org microdata, Kissmetrics did a fantastic job here. Plus, for a complete list of Local Business schemas, the schema.org site has those here. This is a technical task that should be handled by a developer. The benefit for doing so is to make your search results more useful. You can things like: Location Contact Information Opening Hours Price Range Review Ratings Upcoming Events And more. These types of things can improve click-through rates on search results by making them more appealing. Here’s an example from a search for upcoming events: If I’m looking for something to do in my city, this search result gives me a preview into upcoming events before I’ve even clicked a link. It also takes up more space on the search results page. And if I’m in a hurry or on the go, guess which search result people in this situation are going to tap? It’s the one that’s most noticeable and most useful in that moment. Be the company that provides those kinds of results. Mobile Email Marketing Considerations According to Salesforce, 79% of marketers say email marketing drives ROI. Plus, according to research from Kahuna cited on Email Monday, 86% of emails are opened on a mobile device. That means there’s a lot of opportunity to capitalize on mobile email marketing. Know The Numbers: If you believe what works for desktop should work for mobile when it comes to email, consider these statistics: Mobile accounts for 54% of all email opens  (versus 16% on desktop). 70% of users delete emails that don’t work well on their phones. As more people use their phones for email, you’ll need to make sure your emails look and read well on mobile devices. This leads into our next point. Use Mobile-Responsive Email Designs: If you use designed email templates, make sure they’re mobile-responsive (or at least easy to view on smartphones). Here at , we use Campaign Monitor for our email newsletters. This platform makes it easy to preview how emails will appear on phones: If you use a similar service (such as MailChimp, AWeber, Constant Contact, or another provider), building mobile-optimized templates should be similarly easy. However, if you use custom-built email templates, talk to your developer about making them more email-friendly. They’re likely busy people, though, so be prepared to make a case for why it’s important. Here are some talking points you can use to begin your discussion: â€Å"Improving the mobile-friendliness of our emails is important for users and bottom line, since research shows 70% of people will delete an email  that doesn’t look good on mobile.† â€Å"Email drives [INSERT ROI PERCENTAGE] for us, and a better email experience could increase that even further.† â€Å"Our current email [INSERT METRIC] is at [INSERT PERCENTAGE]. However, we know from research findings that 79% of users read email on their phones. We think a better mobile experience could improve our email marketing performance significantly.† With some numbers to support your claims, it’ll be easier to explain why you need better mobile email design (if yours is currently struggling). TIP: Be prepared to hear that if your emails are underperforming, it could be because your email content is at fault. Compare your desktop vs. mobile email performance to pull numbers showing this isn't the case (assuming it's not actually the case). If desktop email performance is strong but mobile isn't, then you have a starting point to begin investigating whether mobile-friendly design could help. Mobile Social Media Marketing Considerations It feels obvious to say so, but social media is huge on mobile. However, you might be surprised by just how huge. According to Marketing Land, a full 80% of social media activity happens on a mobile device. Here are some tips for making the most mobile for social media marketing. Develop An Event Hashtag Strategy: People want to share their thoughts when they’re at events. So, if you’re hosting an event, develop a unique hashtag. You can bet attendees on their phones will make use of it. Consider Pinterest (If You’re Not There Already): According to Mobile Marketing Watch, â€Å"Pinterest is the most mobile social network and 64% of its referred traffic comes from either smartphones or tablet devices.† If capturing the attention of mobile audiences is a priority, then consider creating a Pinterest profile, if your business hasn’t already. Make Social Sharing Buttons Easily Accessible: Again, this is something you’ll need to work out with your developers and designers (if you’re not using an out-of-the-box website or blog theme). If you want people to share your content on mobile, then it needs to be easy to do without thinking about it too hard. Don’t Ignore Instagram: Think your brand can’t benefit from being on Instagram? Think again, especially if you’re targeting teens or young adults. According to WordStream (citing the Pew Research Center), 32% of teens consider Instagram  to be â€Å"the most important social network.† Recommended Reading: How to Use Hashtags Effectively Without Being Annoying The Ultimate Guide on How to Use Instagram For Business The Ultimate Guide to Marketing With Pinterest What is the Best Placement for Social Media Buttons? Mobile Advertising: Are Marketers Missing Opportunities? People spend a lot of time on their phones. You probably didn’t need us to tell you that. However, did you know U.S. consumers spend an estimated 87 hours a month browsing on their smartphones, according to Smart Insights? That is a staggering amount of time. It might also make you question how you spend your own time a little bit. One thing it should absolutely make you question, though, is how much you’re spending on mobile advertising. According to the same report from Smart Insights, while mobile users spend 24% of their time consuming media on their phone, mobile only accounts for 8% of advertising spending. Take a look at this chart: Of course, competitiveness for ad space could differ depending on your industry. One thing that’s clear, though, is there’s opportunity out there for those willing to go after it. If you’re ready to dive deeper into mobile advertising, Single Grain has you covered with this guide. Could mobile advertising be a missed opportunity for your organization?Measuring Mobile Marketing Performance Once you’ve started optimizing your content strategy for mobile, you’ll want to measure how you’re doing. Fortunately, you can get a lot of insight out of Google Analytics. Visit your account and click Mobile in the left-hand navigation. Under Overview, you’ll see high-level data for your site’s mobile performance: You’ll notice you can also see desktop and tablet stats in the same place. This makes it easy to see how your mobile marketing is performing relative to other types of devices. Next, click on Acquisition and drill into All Traffic: Then, click Channels, and All Users: Next, scroll down to Mobile Traffic and click Apply: Now, you’ll be able to see your mobile marketing performance broken down by channel. You’ll also be able to compare mobile stats to your overall performance per channel: Which Data Should I Be Concerned With? There’s a lot of data you can pay attention to here. However, which data points are the most useful for measuring mobile marketing performance? Let’s look at a few basic metrics. Traffic: Are people finding your site? If they’re not, something could be off with your mobile presence. Since you’re reading this post though, you’ll have no problems crushing it, right? Mobile Landing Pages: In addition to mobile traffic, also pay attention to where mobile visitors are landing. To find this information in Google Analytics, drill down through Behavior Site Content Landing Pages: Then, make sure you have Mobile Traffic selected (if you haven’t already). If you’d like to look at just mobile landing pages, be sure to deselect All Users: Now, scope out your top mobile pages: Now, there are a couple things to note here: Where is your mobile traffic going?  Are there pages optimized for mobile that aren’t getting traffic? Or, is there anything else that jumps out as a surprise? Which pages are performing best on mobile?  Which pages are converting best? Which are driving the most traffic? It may be worth creating more content that’s similar. Conversion Rate: Ultimately, this is what all your efforts are about. In general, conversion rates are typically lower on mobile than on desktop. Take a look at this graphic from Smart Insights  laying out 2016 ecommerce conversion rates: While your mileage may vary, don’t be too alarmed if mobile conversions are lower than desktop. Bounce Rate: If people are quick to leave your site, something could be turning them away. However, keep in mind that mobile bounce rates may be a little bit higher than your desktop or tablet bounce rate. According to Rocket Fuel, â€Å"Mobile users are more likely to bounce across the board, so it should reasonably follow that any website with a large, growing percentage of mobile traffic will see a higher bounce rate.† Depending on your site, your mobile bounce rate could be â€Å"10% to 20% higher† than desktop. If your mobile bounce rate is considerably higher than desktop though, your mobile site could be turning visitors away. This could be a sign to talk with your development team. Source: gorocketfuel.com/the-rocket-blog/whats-the-average-bounce-rate-in-google-analytics/ NOTE: If your bounce rate appears close to zero, but you know you’re attracting traffic, your Google Analytics account may be incorrectly configured. Going Beyond Google Analytics: Tools And Guides If you’re ready to step up your mobile marketing measurement, you may require more powerful tools than Google Analytics. Here are some tools and guides to get you started: Tracking Conversions With Kissmetrics: KissMetrics  is  powerful platform is great for tracking all kinds of metrics on a granular level. Follow this guide  to use it to track mobile conversions. Measuring Mobile Ad Campaigns With Mixpanel: If you have a mobile app, Mixpanel can help you track how people are using it. Follow this guide  to get started. Which #metrics matter most for #mobile #marketing?Mobile App: Schedule Social Posts on the Go Before we end this post, let’s talk about our new social scheduling mobile app. With it, you can post to your business or client’s social accounts no matter where you’re at. Given the always-on nature of social media marketing, this is helpful for maintaining the social component of your overall mobile marketing strategy. Here’s what you can do: Schedule social messages on the fly. Add social messages to your content calendar at any time. Whether you’re at a conference or on your commute, you can always be prepared to post. Stay in the loop away from your desk. No WiFi? No problem. You can now know exactly what social posts you have scheduled, no matter where you’re at. Avoid panic attacks. Triple-check, pause, or update any social post, anywhere. Stay social. Social media doesn’t always give you much time to react. Make sure you’re ready with the right response when a trending topic or real-time situation arises. Learn more about how it works here: [INSERT URL]

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Only Murder

Only Murder Only Murder Only Murder By Maeve Maddox A reader commenting on Persian Is a Lovely Word wonders about the difference between assassination and murder: Maybe Farsi is a racist word like hashassin is. I mean, why use assassin when the word is only used for VIPs? Why are ordinary people only murdered? Where do we draw the line? Certainly political speech writers, advertisers and religious leaders know how to choose words for emotional impact, but i have to disagree with the notion that murder is somehow a lesser word to describe the act of taking a persons life. The word assassination has a specific meaning that has nothing to do with class perceptions. By VIP I assume that the reader means any kind of wealthy celebrity, for example an actor or a star athlete, and not just a corporate executive, senator, or president. According to this definition, both President McKinley and John Lennon were VIPs, but McKinley was assassinated, while Lennon was murdered. The word assassin derives from an Arabic word. 1531 (in Anglo-L. from c.1237), via Fr. and It., from Arabic hashishiyyin hashish-users, pl. of hashishiyy, from hashish (q.v.). A fanatical Ismaili Muslim sect of the time of the Crusades, under leadership of the Old Man of the Mountains (translates Arabic shaik-al-jibal, name applied to Hasan ibu-al-Sabbah), with a reputation for murdering opposing leaders after intoxicating themselves by eating hashish. The pl. suffix -in was mistaken in Europe for part of the word (cf. Bedouin). Online Etymology Dictionary In English the word has retained its political associations. The most usual targets of assassination attempts are presidents, kings and other high-ranking political leaders. The hope of the assassin is to bring about social change on a large scale by eliminating a person perceived to be not just famous, but powerful. By extension, assassination can apply to a murder committed for ideological reasons. The murder of obscure employees of an abortion clinic could be classed as assassination if the murderer acted from a desire to put a stop to the activities of the clinic. The connotation that assassin has for English speakers may not translate to other languages. French, for example, has two words for murderer: meurtrier and assassin. As far as I can tell, they are used interchangeably. Murder is one of the most dreadful and powerful words in the language. The Old English word morà °or meant the secret killing of a person. Even in a society in which killing was common because of war and the tradition of the blood feud, the word murder was reserved for the most contemptible and horrendous of cowardly acts. Both assassination and murder refer to the deliberate taking of a life, but to me the word murderer carries a stronger emotional punch than assassin. More words to describe deaths resulting from other than natural causes: manslaughter: c.1300, from O.E. mannslà ¦ht (Anglian), mannslieht (W.Saxon), from man (q.v.) + slà ¦ht, slieht act of killing. Etymologically identical with homicide, but in legal use usually distinguished from murder and restricted to simple homicide. homicide: killing, c.1230, from O.Fr. homicide, from L. homicidium, from homo man + cidium act of killing. The meaning person who kills is also from O.Fr., from L. homicida, from -cida killer. execution: c.1360, from O.Fr. execution, from L. executionem agent noun from exequi follow out, from ex- out + sequi follow (see sequel). Sense of act of putting to death is from M.E. legal phrases such as don execution of deth carry out a sentence of death. suicide: deliberate killing of oneself, 1651, from Mod.L. suicidium suicide, from L. sui of oneself Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comma After i.e. and e.g.What is Dative Case?The Two Sounds of G

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Current Assessment Practices for Evaluating Clinical Students Research Paper

Current Assessment Practices for Evaluating Clinical Students - Research Paper Example There are three types of assessment these include, student, program and system assessment. The student assessment is important as helps the assessor to find out what the students know. Assessors use assessment to find out what the student know to determine their knowledge on the field. This helps in determining the quality of skills and level of performance of the student. Student assessment also help to determine how the students carryout their work. Assessors also test the students’ level of motivation and effort towards their area of study. Program assessment is the form of assessment that determines the competency of a system in an institution. Program assessment improves the program and keeps helps the program to achieve its goal. Program assessment helps in determining areas that require extra instructional emphasizing. The assessment also helps the teachers to identify unsuccessful and successful teachings and methods. Instructions use analysis of students’ resul ts, observers, self-administration questionnaire, community survey and interviews of students and teachers to carry out program assessment. System assessment is a form of program assessment that is large scare based. One carry out program assessment, for example, in is a classroom but system assessment takes place in a whole school district or a large area of organization. In most cases, system assessment uses the third party constants. An excellent example of system assessment is the improving of curriculum that involves completely organizational area. An excellent example of assessment studies that many countries carry out is the assessment of clinical students. Overview and Critical Analysis of the Current Assessment Clinical students’ assessment is an assessment that teachers carry out to determine the competence of the students in the clinical field. Clinical students are important students in the society as they handle the sick. The education of the clinical students is , requiring right form of assessment as they deal directly with people’s lives. The form of assessment in the clinical field used to assess clinical students is strict. Clinical examination takes place at the end of placement consist of two clinical sessions. In these two sessions, the students engage with unseen and seen client. The examiners examine the clinical students using oral exams. The students engage with two examiners in each of the two sessions. The seen client is one whom the clinical student has an access for in 40 days of assignment. The unseen clients in clinics such as community clinic are those clients who visit the clinic for the first time. The unseen clients can also be those clients hospitalized for a long period or clients may be attending the clinic for a long period but seeing another therapist. The unseen session of the clinical student is a session that involves client’s first appointment at the clinic. In all occasions, there is informing of clients about the session, and agreement with student examination (McCarthy, 2011). The previous day to the examination, there is giving of some details on the unseen client to the clinical students. The information passed to the clinical student help them to reflect the initial life consultations in the language and speech therapy practice. The information on the unseen cli

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The 10 basic tasks of the strategy execution process Assignment

The 10 basic tasks of the strategy execution process - Assignment Example Furthermore, a well-staffed organization thrives well in its undertakings. The recruiting department is supposed to balance such that it is composed of skilled, semi- skilled and unskilled workers. The leadership of HCZ should ensure that they specify the role of each employee in executing the plans for the welfare of the children. Therefore, ones the staff is employed, he or she should work towards achieving the set goals of the organization. However, the element of age should also be taken care of while hiring new employees; however, it is need not to be a discriminating factor (Syrett 87). The priority should go to the energetic and committed employees. In the staff organization, there should be specialization and division of labor. So that one can specialized where he or she is well conversant. Moreover, it will reduce boredom in the work of which will be for the benefit of the children. A strong leadership to HCZ will provide the sense of vision and direction so as to ensure the progress of the development of HCZ. Professional certification is important to the leaders of HCZ to equip them with the skills for the formulation of the strategy and their implementation. The leaders of HZC should not only give the sense of direction, but they should also have the children at heart. With such spirit, they can go an extra mile for the benefit of the vulnerable children instead of serving their interest. The leadership of HZC should embrace dialog and democratic leadership. The sharing of the ideas is important to the organization because leaders cannot learn alone, but they should also respect the opinions of those who work under them. The execution of the plans can never be possible without resources. The resources can be human resources and capital resources. The capital resources help in the daily running of the welfares of the organization. All the departments in HCZ should get funds to facilitate the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Chrysalids Theme Essay Example for Free

The Chrysalids Theme Essay â€Å"The Chrysalids† can actually be inferred from the book’s title. â€Å"Without change, there would simply be no progress or improvement†, is the main theme of this novel. The scientific definition of chrysalids is an insect in the stage of development between a larva and an adult insect. Chrysalids can also mean a preparatory or transitional state. In â€Å"The Chrysalids†, three main stages of civilizations can be identified. They are the Fringes civilizaztion, the Waknuk civilization, and the Sealand civilization. The Fringes civilization and the Waknuk civilization are both in a stage of change. The Sealand civilization is the end result of the progress of change, a well technological civilization. The Fringes people have the poorest civilization in the novel. They live in tents and shelters and often have to steal for food. On the other hand, the Waknuk people are a bit well off. They have steady lives and farm for a living. However, the Fringes people have a totally different view from the Waknuk people. The Fringes people think life is change and the reason that God sent Tribulation is because of the little change that is happening. The Waknuk people resist change. They think that if they have kept everything perfect, or in another word have kept everything the same, God would not have sent Tribulation. This belief made the Waknuk people have no progress in civilization. No newer breeds of animals are allowed and no new crops should be planted. Anything different from the original species would be cast away and thrown to the Fringes. The Fringes people had wanted change but sadly were repressed from doing so by the concepts of the Waknuk people. Similarily, as a result both the Fringes civilization and the Waknuk civilization made no further progress in their current civilizations. Unlike these two civilizations, the Sealand civilization has already made an amazing progress since the Tribulation. Large cities were built, and transportation devices like cars and helicopters were available. Most importantly, people are accepted as who they are. People who have telepathic powers like David, Rosalind, and Petra were considered as highly gifted people. Life is change, according to one of the quotes that the Spider man said. â€Å"He sent along Tribulation to bust it up and remind’em that life is change. † Change is what brings about improvement of the living just like what the Sealand lady said. â€Å"The essential quality of life is living: the essential quality of living is change; change is evolution: and we are part of it. †

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Emergence of Yellow Power Essays -- Civil Rights

The common perspective of the civil rights movement is often seen from one angle: and that is the African American civil rights movement towards racial equality. And though this movement had significant historical context in American history, the pursuits of other minorities such as the Asian American civil rights movement are often undermined and overlooked. Yet, the Asian American movement surpassed the efforts of the African American movement despite the social and cultural obstacles faced with integrating into a new society. Through intrinsic cultural unity and the influences of the African American civil rights movement, the Asian American civil rights movement achieved more success than the African American civil rights movement by identifying with a common goal and creating organizations to combat racial discrimination and government hypocrisy. Described by journalist Amy Uyematsu as â€Å"victims--with less visible scars--of the white institutionalized racism†, Asian Americans faced similar, if not more brutal xenophobia and racism than African Americans especially given the circumstances and historical context. The post-WWII era unified blacks and whites against a common enemy and created an assimilated group that triggered the path towards racial equality--or in other words: the makings of a more equal and integrated society for blacks and whites. However, with post WWII Japanese resentment, the Vietnam War, and the Korean War, impressions of Asian Americans in the United States declined as those for African Americans rose. Moreover, the voice of Asian Americans often went unheard as they assimilated into a â€Å"White democracy†. As a result, the emergence of the â€Å"Yellow Power† movement began as a direct influence from... ...g/pages/naacp-history>. Nittle, Nadra Kareem. "Asian-American Civil Rights Movement – History of the Asian-American Civil Rights Movement." Race Relations. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . "Phil Hayasaka." UW Departments Web Server. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . "Sei Fuji v. California." Scribd. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . Uyematsu, Amy. "The Emergence of Yellow Power In America." Web. . "What Was the 1965 Hart-Cellar Immigration Act? - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org." Immigration ProCon.org - What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America? Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . The Emergence of Yellow Power Essays -- Civil Rights The common perspective of the civil rights movement is often seen from one angle: and that is the African American civil rights movement towards racial equality. And though this movement had significant historical context in American history, the pursuits of other minorities such as the Asian American civil rights movement are often undermined and overlooked. Yet, the Asian American movement surpassed the efforts of the African American movement despite the social and cultural obstacles faced with integrating into a new society. Through intrinsic cultural unity and the influences of the African American civil rights movement, the Asian American civil rights movement achieved more success than the African American civil rights movement by identifying with a common goal and creating organizations to combat racial discrimination and government hypocrisy. Described by journalist Amy Uyematsu as â€Å"victims--with less visible scars--of the white institutionalized racism†, Asian Americans faced similar, if not more brutal xenophobia and racism than African Americans especially given the circumstances and historical context. The post-WWII era unified blacks and whites against a common enemy and created an assimilated group that triggered the path towards racial equality--or in other words: the makings of a more equal and integrated society for blacks and whites. However, with post WWII Japanese resentment, the Vietnam War, and the Korean War, impressions of Asian Americans in the United States declined as those for African Americans rose. Moreover, the voice of Asian Americans often went unheard as they assimilated into a â€Å"White democracy†. As a result, the emergence of the â€Å"Yellow Power† movement began as a direct influence from... ...g/pages/naacp-history>. Nittle, Nadra Kareem. "Asian-American Civil Rights Movement – History of the Asian-American Civil Rights Movement." Race Relations. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . "Phil Hayasaka." UW Departments Web Server. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . "Sei Fuji v. California." Scribd. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. . Uyematsu, Amy. "The Emergence of Yellow Power In America." Web. . "What Was the 1965 Hart-Cellar Immigration Act? - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org." Immigration ProCon.org - What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America? Web. 29 Mar. 2011. .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Book Report -the Notebook by Nicolas Sparks Essay

Summary The Notebook begins with a man in a nursing home, reading a story to a woman. The story is about two young lovers, Allie Hamilton and Noah, who meet one day at a carnival. Although the two are falling in love, Allie’s parents don’t allow the relationship between the two young lovers and decide to move Allie away from Noah and the town. They moved to New York, but Allie never gave up on Noah and always kept her faith to one day their love would have a way to come back, but after waiting for any sign (such as letters) from Noah from years, Allie meets Lon and becomes engaged. However, Allie still has feelings for Noah. Despite her commitment for Lon, Allie decides to visit Noah to see how he’s doing after seeing his picture in the newspaper in front of a house he said he was going to restore (and did). It soon becomes apparent that they still have feelings for each other. Allie spend wonderful days with Noah, but suddenly her mother Anne Hamilton surprises her finding her in Noah’s house. Allies mother confess her that she kept and hide from her the letters that Noah had been sending to her years ago. Allie now has to choose between Lon, the man she had already scheduled to marry, and Noah, the man who she wants. Allie picks Noah, her one true love, and dumps Lon. Noah and Allie end up having a happy life and die together peacefully in the nursing home, side by side. Characters Major Characters * Noah: The narrator of the book and the main character, Noah is a good and kind man who fell in love with Allie fourteen years before the novel opens. He has never forgotten her and is overwhelmed with how much he still loves her when she returns to tell him she is engaged. * Allison Hamilton: A young woman who comes from a privileged family, she spends a wonderful summer with Noah when they are young, but is forced to leave when her parents disapprove. She meets Lon and becomes engaged to him, but something in her makes her return to Noah to be sure she is not making a mistake. * Lon: He is Allie’s fiancà ©, who fights for her in the end, but is too late. He has allowed his career to disrupt any hope he may have had to win her for himself. Minor Characters * Gus: He is the black man who lives down the road from the house Noah has restored. He becomes Noah’s only family until Allie returns. * Anne Hamilton: She is Allie’s mother and had so disapproved of her being with Noah that she had never delivered his letters to her daughter. She finally gives Allie the letters, when she leaves, she whispers to Allie that she should follow her heart. Plot Love conquers all really, no matter how many times the old man (Noah) has to read the book to the old lad, he will. Hoping that one day she’ll remember him, she was his sweetheart and he would not leave her, for as long as she was there he would stay as well. Climax Noah and Ally die together in the same bed. They are old (she has Alzheimer) and in a nursing home. Noah is still telling the story of when they are young and how they finally ended up together. Ally suddenly remembers and recognized Noah, the she chose and that she is the girl from the story that he has been telling her the whole time.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Legalization of Assisted Suicide

For example, if a person is suffering from a horrible disease it would be as if they were living dead. As the article pros and Cons of Assisted Suicide says, † Choosing how we die is a basic human freedom. If an individual's quality of life is terrible, they should h eve the right to stop suffering. † Many people live unhappy knowing that what they have is Inc arable. If assisted suicide is legal they can choose to do it and die in a peaceful way instead of w attaining their final day to come while they still suffer.People may also agree with this topic do to the â€Å"Pain and anguish of the Patti it's family and friends† which can be lessened, and they can say their final goodbyes. † ( Miserly) It is just sad for the family to see one of their loved ones just lying down and suffering. It is not easy for them because they do not know when the â€Å"day' to leave this world will come. This leads to the fact that many of the nurses and doctors taking care of this patient can have a more valuable time with a patient that can and wants to fight their pain. By doing this, these nurse sees and doctors can save more lives.Also, people may argue that getting assisted suicide may save other lives do to the fact that some of the organs in the patients' body can help other patients as said by Miserly. Lastly, a third pro would be that without physician assistance people may co omit suicide in messy, horrifying or traumatic ways. This is worst for the families to get eve r. Imagine walking in, to see something like this and especially if they were suffering so b Daly that they took that decision. Families would feel guilty. People are pushed to do this be cause they are cornered since they are hurting bad and they can't get help.Assisted suicide also has many cons. One of them would be that it would decreed ease the value of human life. This means that people wouldn't really care if someone did sees or lives. People would take this as a normal th ing. Just like what Miserly says, â€Å"For each dead h, we have 12 days of ceremonies, elaborate burials, and months of mourning. † It would me an that anyone could take the life of someone else making life something of no value. This re son is because people would just take it from you just like they would take any object of no v alee.A second con is that doctors are given too much power and can be wrong or unethical says, Joe Miserly. He also says, â€Å"Imagine a doctor who believes there is too m such of a shortage in medical staff & resources to pour extra time & money into elderly people. He may always lean towards the side of â€Å"no hope† when the odds are sketchy. † We always rely on doctors and on their opinions but we got to know that doctors aren't always accurate on what they say . We trust them so much, but who knows that instead of three months of life you have 6? Also, what if that virus is just temporarily or even that they messed up the resul ts.By legalizing t his assisted suicide away it would be like giving doctors the right to choose who they want alive. The last con is that Miracle cures can occur. One can get well from one day to the next. Also, the science is advancing so fast that doctors can make a medicine that c an cure whatever you have. Doctors should always try nothing but their best to keep their Patti ants alive. What if there is actually a cure and the doctors are still not quite aware of it? Miserly says, ‘You have to consider the constant medical and pharmaceutical advances that just might el ad to a miracle recovery.We should never get to a point where we spend more time looking f r a way out of life than for a way to sustain life. † Through this quote we see that it is always beet err to fight for life to keep going and assisted suicide should not be an option In conclusion, people should never give up and take the easy path. Even thou GHz a lot of people suffer at the end maybe everythin g can be worth it. It won't be an easy thing to keep living in pain but giving up and giving the right for someone to kill you not be consider an option. As a result, assisted suicide should not be legalized because no one SSH loud be able to take someone else's life away.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Whats Actually Tested on the ACT Math Section Concepts, Subjects, and Skills

What's Actually Tested on the ACT Math Section Concepts, Subjects, and Skills SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you preparing for the ACT? You’re probably wondering what you need to know to be ready for the math section. For many students, the math section can be the most stressful part of the ACT because of its breadth and time difficulty. In this post, we'll break down exactly what will appear on the ACT math test, with sample questions. We'll also give you the resources you need to start studying so you can get the best score possible. What's the Format of the ACT Math Section? The ACT math section is 60 minutes long, with 60 questions total – so you’ll have just one minute to complete each question. You’ll definitely have to work quickly if you want to answer each one! Every question is multiple choice, and there is no penalty for guessing. Pacing and problem solving are the big challenges on the ACT math section. Pacing is tricky because you have to answer questions as quickly as possible without losing accuracy. In addition, you have to be able to quickly identify ways to solve problems. This is why studying specifically for ACT math is so important, since it requires you to work faster and more strategically than you have to in math class. You need to be able to problem solve, or use what the ACT calls using reasoning abilities. In addition, the math questions are not ordered by topic, so you need to be prepared to quickly switch between topics like statistics, algebra, and geometry. Test Content and Requirements The ACT tests math skills that most students know by the beginning of grade 12 – which in practice means nothing beyond Algebra II. If you’re an advanced student, ACT math content will be very straightforward. The content breakdown for ACT math is: Pre-Algebra (20-25%) Elementary Algebra (15-20%) Intermediate Algebra (15-20%) Coordinate Geometry (15-20%) Plane Geometry (20-25%) Trigonometry (5-10%) We’ll explore those sections in-depth with example problems and explain how you get scores for each section. You can use a calculator – but it has to be a permitted one. However, you’re not required to use a calculator, meaning all problems on the ACT can be solved without one. Be careful not to rely too much on your calculator if you use one, as it can actually slow you down. (For an expert discussion on the best calculators for standardized tests, see our post.) Unlike the SAT, you’re not given a reference sheet, so you have to know basic math formulas (y = mx + b, the area formula, the quadratic formula, etc) but nothing too complex. What Are ACT Math Section Subscores? Your score is based on how many total points out of 60 possible you earn. That raw score is converted to a section score between 1 and 36 (for more on that process, see our ACT scoring guide). You also receive three subscores based on the six content areas: pre-algebra and elementary algebra, intermediate algebra and coordinate geometry, and plane geometry and trigonometry. The subscores basically give more detailed information about your performance, but are generally not looked at too closely by colleges (your overall math section score and ACT composite are most important). However, you can use the subscore areas to focus your studying by math topic. We will explore the three math subsections and show some example questions for each. You might find that you are more than prepared for one area but need to focus your practice on one topic, like trigonometry or coordinate geometry. While we will give a detailed overview of what you can expect to see on the math section, we also recommend doing full practice tests so you can really get a sense of what the ACT math section is really like. #1: Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra Pre-Algebra (20-25%) Basic operations using whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and integers Place value Square roots and approximations The concept of exponents Scientific notation Factors Ratio, proportion, and percent Linear equations in one variable Absolute value and ordering numbers by value Elementary counting techniques and simple probability Data collection, representation, and interpretation Understanding simple descriptive statistics A basic operations problem. A probability problem based on a real-world situation. Elementary Algebra (15-20%) Properties of exponents and square roots Evaluation of algebraic expressions through substitution Using variables to express functional relationships Understanding algebraic operations The solution of quadratic equations by factoring Two elementary algebra problems. The first uses variables to express a real-world relationship. The second tests evaluation of algebraic expressions through substitution. #2: Intermediate Algebra/Coordinate Geometry Intermediate Algebra (15-20%) The quadratic formula Rational and radical expressions Absolute value equations and inequalities Sequences and patterns Systems of equations Quadratic inequalities Functions and modeling Matrices Roots of polynomials Complex numbers Coordinate Geometry (15-20%) Graphing and the relations between equations and graphs, including points, lines, polynomials, circles, and other curves Graphing inequalities Slope Parallel and perpendicular lines Distance Midpoints Conics #3: Plane Geometry/Trigonometry Plane Geometry (20-25%) Properties and relations of plane figures, including angles and relations among perpendicular and parallel lines Properties of circles, triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids Transformations The concept of proof and proof techniques Volume Applications of geometry to three dimensions Trigonometry (5-10%) Trigonometric relations in right triangles Values and properties of trigonometric functions Graphing trigonometric functions Modeling using trigonometric functions Use of trigonometric identities Solving trigonometric equations Example questions via Preparing for the ACT. Where Can You Find ACT Math Practice Materials? Now that you know what's on ACT Math, your next step is to start practicing! The most important way to prepare for the ACT is to take practice tests. We havelinks to free, official online practice teststo get you started. If you need to especially practice math, you can just take the Math sections, but for everyone we recommend you take at least a few full-length practice ACTs so you can get an idea of how well you'd do on the entire exam and get experience taking such a long test. A prep book can also be a major help while you're studying ACT Math, especially if there are some concepts you're still struggling to understand. However, it's important to get a high-quality prep book.See our guide tothe best ACT prep books on the market. What’s Next? Not sure what your target ACT score should be? Learn what a good, bad, or excellent score looks like, and the type of score you should aim for based on your dream colleges. Want some help studying? Consider using our PrepScholar program. We take the hard part out of studying so you can focus on practicing for the test, using high-quality practice questions, and improving your weak areas. Are you not a big fan of geometry? See if it’s possible to take the ACT without geometry. Looking for a perfect ACT math score? Get tips from our 36 full-scorer. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of a Coordinate Clause

Definition and Examples of a Coordinate Clause In English grammar, a coordinate clause is a  clause (i.e., a word group containing a subject and predicate) that is introduced by one of the coordinating conjunctionsmost commonly and or but. A compound sentence is made up of one or more coordinate clauses joined to the main clause. The rhetorical term for a coordinate construction is parataxis. Examples It was apple-blossom time, and the days were getting warmer. (E.B. White,  Charlottes Web. Harper, 1952)I wasnt a fan of most vegetables, but I didnt mind peas. (Gene Simmons,  Kiss, and Make-Up. Crown, 2001)They ate the dessert, and neither one mentioned the fact that it was slightly burned. (Ernest Hemingway, Christmas in Paris.  The Toronto Star Weekly, December 1923) Combining Clauses The basic unit in syntax is the clause. Many utterances consist of a single clause, but there are also rules for combining clauses into larger units. The simplest way is by using a  coordinating conjunction, and, but, so and or. These may seem rather insignificant items but they represent a vast step forward from anything we can imagine in even the most sophisticated form of animal communication, and they are probably more complex than many people realize. (Ronald Macaulay,  The Social Art: Language and Its Uses, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2006) Disconnected Coordinate Clauses in Conversation In English conversation speakers often begin their utterances with and (also with so or but) without linking these connectives to immediately preceding linguistic material, but rather to more distant topics or even to their own as yet unarticulated (and unrecoverable) perspectives. In (29) the topic of the episode in which this utterance occurs concerns one of the participants consistently getting sick when he travels in Mexico. In this example, the speakers and is making reference to the whole discourse, not to a specific preceding utterance. (29) and you both eat the same things? (D12-4)   (Joanne Scheibman,  Point of View and Grammar: Structural Patterns of Subjectivity in American English Conversation. John Benjamins, 2002)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Why video games are violent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why video games are violent - Essay Example In order to answer this question, there are different angles from which the issue can be observed indicating the difference levels of the presence and absence of violence in video games. Video games are violent because they offer an alternative form through which one can â€Å"†¦absolve themselves of guilt or justify certain morally questionable acts†¦Ã¢â‚¬  whereby video game players can release their inner feelings of violence that cannot be directed towards other people in the real world (Schaffer). With this in mind, video games are violent because they are virtual worlds in which there are no consequences for engaging in whatever violent acts that one pleases (Videogame Addiction). Therefore, video games are violent to provide a safe proving ground in which violent behavior can be virtualized and enacted in a safe manner that cannot harm anyone, the player included. Arguments are that this is the main reason to rid real life situations of potential acts of violence t hat may lead to severe consequences such as death (Schaffer).

Friday, November 1, 2019

Stalking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stalking - Essay Example This intake form is thus intended to gather some required information so as to make sure that the intensity or the level of the severity of the stalking can be realized. Basically, stalking is the sequence of actions by some person, that makes the victim feel that the fear of his or her safety. This action is known as Stalking. A person can be stalked in many ways such as following the victim, harassing him or her, continuously wandering around his or her house, unwanted communication by various modes or any other activity that is sufficient to make the victim feel frighten. Although the exact legal definition of stalking varies from constitution to constitution. However, the fundamentals are common in all of them. . Such as any undesirable contact between the stalker and the victim that would directly or indirectly threaten the victim of being unsafe. 1. On one or more occasion, the stalker has followed, placed under surveillance, made threats, restrained, confined, or behaved and/or made threats that caused the victim to fear immediate or future injury, death, or damage to property A first stalking conviction is a third degree felony and subsequent convictions are second degree felonies. In some cases, when charging a person with a crime of stalking, it may be appropriate to file additional charges. For example, if an assault with a deadly weapon occurs in addition to the stalking, the defendant should be charged with both crimes. INTAKE FORM Name: Age: Gender: Marital Status: How long you are married Occupation: Past Occupations: Do you know the stalker If yes, how do you know him Since when you know him Does he mention the (or is there any implied) reason for stalking you Since when you are being stalked What mode or modes are used to stalk you continuous physical following; Undesired communication (by using modes like letters, mails, telephone calls etc.); continuously wandering around your home contacting your family members, friends, or other relatives or members od your close social circle inappropriately; Threatening you using computer technologies, like email, instant messages etc. Others: (Please mention) What is the frequency of each of the above methods used to stalk you Do you receive all the threats at the same time If yes, when What is exactly the stalk message Do you know the past track record specially character record of the stalker If yes, please mention briefly his past record. (If you do not know the exact stalker, but if you suspect someone to be the stalker, even then attempt this question, since this is the most important measure in determining the severity of the issue). Mention your daily routine in detail, for example when do you go for work, what mode of transport you use and so on In your view, does the stalker have an idea of your routine What particular part of your routine, you think, is the most inviting one for stalker to fulfill his threats EVALUATION AND THE ASSESSMENT FORM This part describes that how various responses indicate the level of severity. Bio Data: The basic